Project: A Hard Pill to Swallow
Client: Apotek Hjärtat / Åkestam Holst NoA.
My Role: Head of Digital Production, Supporting Digital & Social Media Strategist

Case Film - Apotek Hjärtat - A Hard Pill to Swallow

Project Description:
Would you eat a medicine containing substances used to treat HIV, cancer, fungal infections, high blood pressure and epilepsy? These are only some of the substances that pharmaceutical factories are dumping straight into the waters in Hyderabad, India. Together with our client Apotek Hjärtat (Sweden’s largest private pharmacy chain), we teamed up to bring the issues of pharmaceutical pollution to the surface.

Hyderabad in India is one of many sites in the world producing large quantities of medicinal drugs exported to the world. According to reports, pharmaceutical factories are dumping their medical waste straight into nature here. This is denied by the industry, so we decided to prove it. We collected 100 litres of water from the vicinity of Hyderabad’s drug factories, analyzed it and extracted the active substances. The result? Sordidum Pharmacum (“dirty medicine” in latin) - a drug cocktail that few would take voluntarily, made from pharma polluted water.

Sordidum Pharmacum is a first of its kind innovation that makes the issues of pharmaceutical pollution, which is normally hard to fully understand, graspable for the many. The initiative aims to get politicians in Sweden to take sustainability into consideration when procuring pharmaceuticals, something that’s not done today. The project also highlights ”Välj med hjärtat” (Follow your heart) - a stamp of approval and labelling of prescription-free drugs that live up to our environment and sustainability standards.

Download the full report and follow the initiative: ​


Grand Prix, Eurobest, Creative Effectiveness
Grand Prix, Eurobest, PR
Grand Prix, Eurobest, Healthcare
Goodvertising Awards 2020 10th place in the world
Winner, Sustainable brand index: Årets insats inom hållbart varumärkesbyggande
Gold Egg, Swedish Golden Egg, Integrerat
Gold Egg, Swedish Golden Egg, PR
Silverägg, Swedish Golden Egg, Effekt
Silver Egg, Swedish Golden Egg, Aktivering
Diploma, Swedish Golden Egg, Innovation
100 Watt, 100 wattaren, Framsiktigt
50 Watt, 100 wattaren, Samhällsansvar & Ideellt
Gold, Gerety Awards, Pharma Cut, Integrated
Gold, Eurobest, PR, Healthcare
Gold, Eurobest, Brand Experience & Activation, Healthcare
Gold, Eurobest, Healthcare, Brand-led Education & Awareness
Gold, Cresta Awards, Social, Global Issue Campaign
Gold, Cresta Awards, Healthcare, Public Awareness
Winner, YouTube Works Awards, Creative Innovation
Winner, YouTube Works Awards, Force for Good
Winner, Strategy Awards, Opinion
Silver, Cannes Lions, PR - Public Affairs & Lobbying
Silver, Eurobest, PR, Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility
Silver, Cresta Awards, Brand Purpose, Brand Activism
Silver, Cresta Awards, THE ‘Wish we’d thought of that’ AWARD
Silver, New York Festivals, Direct & Collateral, Best Use: Social/Environmental Good: Brand
Bronze, Cannes Lions, PR - Research, Data & Analytics
Bronze, Cannes Lions, PR - Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility)
Bronze, Clio Awards, Environmental, Product/Service
Bronze, Clio Awards, Direct, Other
Bronze , Eurobest, Direct, Healthcare
Bronze, New York Festivals, Avant-Garde/Innovative, Avant-Garde/Innovative: Social/Environmental Good: Brand
Shortlist, Cannes Lions, Creative Data - Data Visualisation
Shortlist, Cannes Lions, Creative Data - Creative Data Collection & Research
Shortlist, Cannes Lions, PR - Healthcare
Finalist, Eurobest, Creative Data, Creative Data Collection & Research
Finalist, Eurobest, Direct, Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility
Finalist Certificate, New York Festivals, Public Relations, Products & Services: Charity/Health & Wellness
Finalist Certificate, New York Festivals, Direct & Collateral, Best Use: Brave Work/Brave Client
Finalist Certificate, New York Festivals, Activation & Engagement, Best Use: Brave Work/Brave Client
Finalist Certificate, New York Festivals, Public Relations, Best Use: Social/Environmental Good: Brand
Finalist Certificate, New York Festivals, Positive World Impact, Public Service: Environment & Sustainability: : Brand 
Finalist Certificate, New York Festivals, Public Relations, Best Use: Brave Work/Brave Client
Nominated, One Show, Direct Marketing – Physical Items
Nominated, One Show, Direct Marketing – Non-traditional & Guerrilla Marketing
Nominated, One Show, Health, Wellness & Pharma – Products
Nominated, One Show, Health, Wellness & Pharma – Direct Marketing
Nominated, One Show, Health, Wellness & Pharma – Public Relations
Nominated, One Show, Health, Wellness & Pharma – Innovation in Health & Wellness
Nominated, One Show, Public Relations – Innovation in Public Relations
Nominated, 100 wattaren, Konsument Multi
Nominated, YouTube Works Awards, Grand Prix

IKEA - Retail Therapy


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