Client: BKRY
My Role: Digital Producer, Creative, Copywriter

A new homepage.
Led the project from start to launch. The pre-study, creative moodboards, presentation for management group, website architecture, digital direction, emotional copywriting, technical direction and easter eggs. Great teamwork together with a design superstar, an animation superstar and a developer superstar. You know who you are. 🫶

Easter Egg
Hey you all beloved lefties, press the menu, hard, to move it to the other side

Copywriting; Hello World
We are always looking for new band members (producers, digital designers, motion people, film, creatives, multitalents) - and as well interns (our beloved roadies) - so feel free to contact us or We believe you are awesome, curious, love the internet and cat GIFs – and are more fond of playing with the band rather than engaging in endless solos. Mmmkay? Great, now throw us an email!

Copywriting; Our Services

We do everything from GIF89a to magic. Campaigns, digital design, front- and backend, UX, voice and animation. You want something digital that we haven’t written here? We started doing digital in a time when websites didn’t have background color, so we likely know how to help out. Also, If you have a project that’s “slightly” has gone down the drain, the deadline is past due or you just have the feeling “what the frack do I do now” – just ping us on any channel – we’ll help out if we can, even if it’s not our core business to be Mr Wolf. But we will always try to help a friend out.

Motion Design
If it moves… We edit, animate, get the tempo right and add finesse to anything that basically ends up with motion online. Could be a 6 second bumper ad, could be a 3 minutes inspiration film to be shown for Global Managers. And sometimes they even end up on the good old Television. If it’s needed, we sometimes do 3D as well.

Data + optimization
Doh, if you don’t do this on your campaigns, you are doing it wrong. Let us help you understand, fine-tune and streamline your performance online, and make you look good to the ones you report to.

We want you to feel safe and sound in the bridge between ”the always changing high frequency digital communication landscape” (say that really fast three times) and the more traditional world of communication. At BKRY we drive, create and publish content in digital channels. And then we measure, follow up and optimize the result – which is everything from social media post and EDRs to large web series.

Final Art
If you see a really nice good-looking ad, chances are this team is involved. We call them our Silverbacks. Nobody messes with them.

Art + Copy
Without this, there’s nothing.

Social Media
Everybody has it. Not everyone knows how to use it effectively. We can help with everything from strategy, production to optimization – and then some.

Product R&D / Prototyping
We are a curious bunch of peeps. We protoype to make sure an idea will work in practice, particularly when venturing into where no one has gone before. We also do it to help clients (and co-workers) to make fluffy/strange (we call it fun) tech to not feel techy at all.

The how’s and why’s. We offer either a jack-in in an existing strategy or a strategy for activating people/target groups. And everything in between.

Film – we’ve got it covered. We direct, produce, edit, grade, animate, do storyboards and audio. From full stack social media clips to just south of TVCs. More? Most probably.

We l-o-v-e to animate. Have you discovered BKRY’s lost letter A and E on this site yet? That’s just a fraction of what we can do. Just a fraction.

In-store experience and activation.
This might come as a surprise, but most people still buy plenty of stuff in physical stores. The good news is that we have NoA’s most premiere retail specialists amongst our midst. Short-term sales, here we come.

Design Sketches


Golf Auditions


Knesset (2015)